Maintenance Instructions

Surface protection


VICOSTONE products vary with colors, styles and polish. Of course, products need cleaning often with water to be polished, beautiful and colorfast for ages.


Stubborn stains


Because VICOSTONE’s products have highly polished surfaces, cleaning stains generated during use is easy and fast. In most cases, soap and water or a mild detergent is enough to keep VICOSTONE product surfaces looking like new. If necessary, use a non-abrasive cleaner for quartz surface (found in supermarkets or groceries). Do not overuse detergents. Cleaning too often in this way can affect the quality of the product surfaces. In case household cleaner must be used, it is recommended to rinse the surface again with clean water to remove any chemical remains.


Heat resistance


VICOSTONE’s products are highly resistant to heat however it is not heat proof. Thus, any direct contact of hot things such as frying pan, heated pots, etc. should be avoided, and cloth pads or trivets are recommended on the stone surface to avoid surface damage by a sudden change in temperature.


Scratch resistance


VICOSTONE’s products are highly durable (7 Mor) and resistant to abrasion. However, being resistant to scratching does not mean that our products are scratch-proof.  Direct cutting or scouring of kitchen tools are not recommended. This will impact seriously on the original gloss and elegance beauty of the products.


Instructions for cleaning and protecting the product surface


1. Only use a damp cloth or sponge to clean the products


2. For a more thorough cleaning :


– Use non-abrasive cleaning products


– Use a sponge to avoid the material from being scratched


3. For stubborn stains


– Coffee or food: use a soft sponge, wipe, or specialized detergent if necessary.


– Nail Polish: use a sponge and specialized detergent to wipe and clean the spill up, after that wipe again with a soft, dry cloth.


–  Chewing gum: first, remove the gum or other substance with a plastic knife or spatula, then wipe with soft and dry cloth once again.


4. Things to avoid


– Don’t use the following detergents to wipe stone surfaces:


+ oven grill cleaners


+ common cleansers


+ Toilet bowl cleaners


+ Scotch Brite pads, steel wool or other harshly abrasive materials


Avoid putting hot kitchen appliances or sharp objects on the product surface. Cloth pads or trivets are recommended.