

• One-Hundred percent of employees receive on-boarding training to understand and easily integrate into the new environment;
• One-Hundred percent of employees receive training courses on critical thinking skills and communication skills;
• Free tuition for children at the Group’s Kindergarten for Employees;
• Employees are eligible to buy apartment at Phenikaa condominium at preferential price and receiving support with interest rates and banking procedures;
• One-Hundred percent of employees are entitled to health insurance, social insurance and unemployment insurance;
• One-Hundred percent of employees receive health care insurance plan and medical support (the optional insurance type which is rarely implemented by manufacturing enterprises due to cost issues) to ensure the best health care and reduce financial risks when unfortunately encountering health risks;
• Employees’ average income growth rate of 50.43% in 2015-2019.

• Applying, complying and continually improving the HSEQ integrated management system – Health/Safety/Environment/Quality with following standard certificates: ISO 9001:2015 – Quality management system; ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental management system; ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system; SA 8000:2014 – Social accountability management system;
• Reusing nearly 100% of wastewater from the production process through a recirculating silo system—i.e., which discharged no water into the environment;
• Radically treating 100% of wastewater and other types of wastes;
• Installing more than 400 photovoltaic solar panels with a capacity of 148.6 kwp to supply to 2 operating offices in the hi-tech park;
• Successfully producing more than 1 million unburnt bricks using Geopolymer technology from recycled waste rock powder in quartz production, serving projects inside and outside of the Group;
• Successfully researching and manufacturing ecological composite materials from epoxidized flaxseed oil, which is applied in the production of artificial marble and safe for workers

• Donating VND 20 billion to join hands with the Government and the Ministry of Health to buy a vaccine against COVID-19;
• Contributing VND 13 billion to buy free vaccinations for the people of the capital and employees of the Group;
• Directly donated VND 5 billion to “Fund for the Poor”, of which VND 3 billion is donated through the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and VND 2 billion through the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Thua Thien Hue province in response to the “Joining hands for the poor – No one is left behind” program launched by the Prime Minister and organized by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.
• Funded VND 2 billion for The Sun Program of VinaCapital Foundation (VCF) to help patients with cancer and their families nationwide.
• Donated VND 6.5 billion to join hands with the Government in the “war” against pandemic COVID-19
• Actively produced and provided nearly 15,000 liters of hand sanitizer and hand sanitizer gel in line with WHO standards to all employees of the Group, neighbouring communities, selected universities and schools in Northern Vietnam, Thach That General Hospital.
• Provided IT equipment and software for the 7th session of the 14th National Assembly, with a total value of VND 3.5 billion, in response to the Digital National Assembly Program.
• Supported families in difficult circumstances in the Central region surmount the consequences of natural disasters and stabilize their lives with hundreds of millions VND annually.
• Invested nearly VND 800 million for concrete road construction in replacement of the damaged dirt road of Hamlet 1, Thach Hoa commune, Thach That district, Hanoi.
• With the spirit of a sharing and caring community, the Group also contributed to developing infrastructure and supporting local people in Thach That district, Hanoi in particular and the country in general, for example: Providing lifelong care for Vietnamese heroic mothers, sponsoring child victims of Agent Orange, donating to the Fund for the Poor of Hanoi, building charity and culture houses, organizing medical checkup and providing medicines for beneficiaries of social welfare on the inuously increases contributions to the government revenue.